Tingley Cemetery

Section 8

Green Plot Number indicates the plot is available for purchase

All plots are 10'x16' except
plots 8/113 - 8/119 which are 10'x20'

All walkways between plots are 4' east & west, 6' north & south

North ↑

8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8
8/16 8/15 8/14 8/13 8/12 8/11 8/10 8/9
8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24
8/32 8/31 8/30 8/29 8/28 8/27 8/26 8/25
8/33 8/34 8/35 8/36 8/37 8/38 8/39 8/40
8/48 8/47 8/46 8/45 8/44 8/43 8/42 8/41
8/49 8/50 8/51 8/52 8/53 8/54 8/55 8/56
8/64 8/63 8/62 8/61 8/60 8/59 8/58 8/57
8/65 8/66 8/67 8/68 8/69 8/70 8/71 8/72
8/80 8/79 8/78 8/77 8/76 8/75 8/74
8/81 8/82 8/83 8/84 8/85 8/86 8/87 8/88
8/96 8/95 8/94 8/93 8/92 8/91 8/90 8/89
8/97 8/98 8/99 8/100 8/101 8/102 8/103 8/104
8/112 8/111 8/110 8/109 8/108 8/107 8/106 8/105
8/113 8/114 8/115 8/116 8/117 8/118 8/119  

19 plots available
119 total

Back to the Map

The following table lists plot owners.
Please note that the owner of the plot and those buried on the plot are not always the same!

Plot # Plot Owner
8/2 Earl LUPHER
8/3 - 1/2 Earl ECKERMAN
8/3 - 1/2 Edwin SHERWOOD
8/4 Clyde JOHNSTON
8/5 Franklin & Charlene NICHOLS
8/6 Richard & Cynthia HILL
8/7 Hilare & Scott Klinger; Nathan & Myriam Hill; Alex & Heather Hill
8/10 Hilare & Scott Klinger; Nathan & Myriam Hill; Alex & Heather Hill
8/11 Hilare & Scott Klinger; Nathan & Myriam Hill; Alex & Heather Hill
8/12 John & Kathy GRETTENBERG
8/13 John & Mary OVERHOLTZER
8/17 Jim & Glenda JOBE
8/18 Berl & Janet FENTON
8/19 Keith WOOD
8/20 Allen & Barbara COFFMAN
8/21 John & Kathy GRETTENBERG
8/22 Kim KIBURZ
8/23 Janet Richards MAYER
8/26 Janet Richards MAYER
8/27 Janet Richards MAYER
8/28 David & Sheryl DeLOACH
8/29 Guy PETERS
8/30 Roger & Donna MORRISON
8/31 Richard & Gay Lou LECHTENBERGER
8/32 Howard W. & Ava Jenesse TULL
8/33 Howard MARTIN
8/34 Alan & Lois IBBOTSON
8/35 Anthony & Ashley MERCER
8/36 Jeremy & Donetta PHELPS
8/37 Anita & Kourtney WILLIAMS
8/38 John & Kathy GRETTENBERG
8/39 Janet Richards MAYER
8/45 Jason & Julie ACKLEY
8/46 Alan & Lois IBBOTSON
8/47 Richard & Eileen BRANT
8/48 Kathryn RICHARDS
8/49 Keith & Twilla LININGER
8/50 Linda TAYLOR
8/51 Chris & Charlotte CHRISTENSEN
8/52 Jerry L. & Judy COOPER
8/58 Mitchell CLYMER
8/60 Larry & Rita FREIHAGE
8/61 Lawrence & Florence BISHOP
8/62 Christ & Charlotte CHRISTENSEN
8/63 Francis PETERSOHN
8/64 Richard & Angela JOHNSON
8/65 Harold & Pearl GROUT
8/66 J. & H. WERNER
8/67 L. & E. ENGLAND
8/68 - 1/2 L. Dean EIGHME
8/68 - 1/2 Larry EIGHME
8/69 Robert & Lois ENGLAND
8/70 - south 1/2 Rod & Patty STARK
8/70 - north 1/2 Glen & Debra GROUT
8/71 Arvid & Judy CLYMER
8/72 William C. PRIEST
8/74 Gertrude & Carl SHAFER
8/75 Donald & Darlene BEAR
8/76 Jean & Dale GROUT
8/77 Cyril & Irene HUBBARD
8/78 H. & C. ARCHIBALD
8/79 Rex KELLER
8/80 -1/2 Lyle TODD
8/80 -1/2 Albert MARTIN
8/81 Walter BROWN
8/82 Emmett KELLER
8/83 Charles COURTNEY
8/84 D. & H. GROUT
8/85 Lyndon RICHARDS
8/86 Daniel & Solin BEAR
8/87 Fern & Carl PRIEST
8/88 Ralph GROUT
8/89 Dennis & Mary MILLER
8/90 Jim & Mary Sue McINTOSH
8/91 - 1/2 L.D. EIGHME
8/91 - 1/2 Frank EIGHME
8/92 - 1/2 E. & F. PRIEST
8/92 - 1/2 V. & M. PRIEST
8/93 E. & L. BASTOW
8/94 Frank EIGHME
8/95 Kenneth KIBURZ
8/96 Myrle REASONER
8/97 Delores BISCHOFF
8/99 John KIBURZ
8/100 - north 1/2 H. & E. BROWN
8/100 - south 1/2 Robert & Evelyn BONNELL
8/101 L. & C. GROUT
8/102 James & Marion ENGLAND
8/103 Jim & Mary Sue McINTOSH
8/104 Steve PRITCHARD
8/106 Travis Alan CASE
8/107 James & Marian ENGLAND
8/108 M. & S. DELONG
8/109 -1/2 J. & S. BETOF
8/109 - 1/2 L. & K. GILES
8/110 E. & S. DUNLAP
8/111 - 1/2 D. L. McCLUREL
8/11 - 1/2 J. A. VERPLOEGH
8/112 O. & F. MAIN
8/113 K. & D. MAIN
8/114 Ronnie & Sandy SHIELDS
8/115 Ronnie & Sandy SHIELDS
8/116 Joshua BETOF
8/117 Dean & Cindy CAVENDER
8/118 James & Marian ENGLAND